Let No Dragon Be Bound...

>> Sunday, August 14, 2005

Since my last post, I've been thinking about a lot of things, with my situations in the past, with those my friends are in... I've come to see that the one thing that we fail to do is to let go... What's worse, it's as though we bind ourselves in chains to the very things that hurt and destroy us... I was a victim of this myself on numerous occasions, hence the scars that weigh heavily on my heart, body and soul... We choose to bottle ourselves in, our strength, our spirit... We choose to be so blind to our plight, grabbing on to even the faintest glimmer of hope... We just don't see that that glimmer of hope is a prison, a vice that crushes our spirits...
I say we wake up... It's time we wake up to who we are... Why do we choose to shackle ourselves? I can see the spirit of dragons in my friends, but they seem weak, useless... I say it's time we all wake up to our heritage! We are all Dragons! The mightiest, greatest beings in all creation, deserving of anything we want, and all of the best... I say to those of you who are bound in things and situations that hurt you, break free! Why do you let these things happen to you in the first place? You deserve more! To those of you who are curled up inside, unappreciated, open your wings and fly! The world will see you for who and what you and appreciate the presence you bestow! To those who let the chaos of reality destroy them, who are swept by the darker side of life, I say stand strong with heads held high! Dragons bow to no man, no god, no object, nothing! We are all Dragons, deep inside... Look inside, see the Dragon within you all, and let that Draconic spirit take charge... It's time for 'Delasangre', those of the blood, to take their place in the world once again...
To all of you, be you a friend, stranger, or enemy... There are worse things in life than we assume and think... I know, I think the same... We are all centered about ourselves, we fail to see the world around us... It is time to be as Dragons and be a part of the world once more... Only when we rise above the world can we truly be a part of it... I am Sylverphyre, last of the Windsong Dragons... Who are you?


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