Dragon's New Philosophy...

>> Sunday, August 14, 2005

Time and time again, in all legends, in all typical stories, it is The Dragon that sits in his lair, deep in slumber till someone comes to see him. In some instances people come to give tribute, for others they come in search of wisdom, and of course there are those damned dragonslayers... My point is, it is usually dragons that play the passive role, and it is the other party that seeks them out... I think I finally realised my foolish mistake in all this, in my life... I was rushing out to seek my Phoenix, flying the open skies of the world in search of that which I needed... What can I say... I was a young and brash dragon at that time... I've come to see that some of the best things in life, you don't look for it... They come to you... I guess I've aged and gained some wisdom and insight into this...
I am The Dragon, and I am going to play the passive role in my life... I have been acting like the very thing I seek, the Phoenix, full of passion, full of passion, full of strength... But it is not who I am... I am The Dragon, the contemplator, the recluse, the silence, the ice... I am the last Windsong, the muse, the inspired, the poet, the artist... I know who I am now, and I shall do what I do best... I shall wait... Let the Phoenix find me for a change... Yeah, it's a little weird having the girl approach the guy, but I've grown tired and weary of such monotonous and traditional ways... Let a Phoenix show me something new... It is what a Phoenix does, burning the old and giving way to the new... Let a Phoenix surprise me, and for a change keep me warm instead of burning me... Only then will I know I've found My Phoenix...


Anonymous,  10:29 pm, August 14, 2005  

Well, it's about time you're thinking for yourself, Sylver. Finally, you're putting yourself ahead of other people. Let them make you happy for a change. You give too much, and ask for too little.

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