>> Tuesday, November 08, 2005
First off, I'd like to say I am sorry for the lack of updates on my blog... It's been a long time, more than a month, since my last update... Well, from my last entry, things were rather bleak for me, or rather from my eyes... Well, suffice to say things have taken a turn for the better, or worse, depending on exactly who's eyes we're looking through...
One important event during my sabbatical from life was the discovery of another Dragon, and possibly the existence of others... For those who don't really know me, when I say 'Dragon', I don't literally mean your typical big giant fire-breathing lizard with wings... It's more along the lines of character and personality... Though at times I do wish I could fly around and blast some of the more foolish and ignorant people of this world clear off the face of this earth... Anyway, I'm starting to drift from my point... It's good to know that I have found others like myself I can relate to... While they are not Windsong Dragons such as myself, they are Dragons nonetheless... My dear Phoenix, don't feel threatened... You are still my Phoenix... While you are of fire and feather, and myself sorcery and scale, that difference between us is the one that binds us...
As for the events that had very nearly slain me this past few weeks, I have to admit that I was indeed defeated in battle... Ironically, the battle was within myself, and it was my own claws that had torn my wings and my own teeth that sank into my flesh... When I fell from the sky and crashed to the earth, it took me a long while to recover... Then again, the only wounds that you learn from are those that cause the most pain and hardships, so all in all, I guess that turned out for the best... Further down the road, I might just put in an entry regarding the events that had transpired, but for now, I shall remain silent...So where do I go from here? Honestly speaking, I don't know what I'm currently doing... Yeah, for all my supposed wisdom and knowledge, I am lost when it comes to myself... I find the irony in the situation oddly amusing... No one seems to be able or knows how to help me or even comfort me, as it is I that usually plays those very roles... When the Dragon becomes a man, it isn't easy for his fellow man to become a Dragon in his stead... Heh, go figure...
So, yes, people... Sylverphyre, last of the Windsong Dragons, is back... Things may have changed in my life, but I have many people out there to thank... You know who you are, people... If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't even have this life... Know that a Dragon's always ready to stand by your side when all seems lost... Quoting myself from one of my own poems, "when all is lost, then all is found..." That was what I had experienced, and should you seem to find yourself lost or losing everything, I'll be there...
Sylver, you really need to let all of this pain out. I'll give you a call one of these days when I'm free, and we can talk about it ok? Might call you in the morning though, I think the time difference is more or less 12 hours between us. We'll see how it goes, ok? Hang in there.
zainy! finally u updated... what happened to u? and who's the other dragon? i have a good guess...wonder if it is? hehhee.
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