The Dragon's Tale Begins...

>> Sunday, July 31, 2005

Well, what can I say, the pressure of my oh so wonderful friends finally got to me. hence the start of my blog. Don't know why everyone wanted me to start one, considering what a twisted view of life I have. Then again, when I think about it, that just might be the reason why they wanted me to. Used to have another blog, but I can't for the life of me remember what the damn password was... Ah well, here's the new one then...
Well, I guess I'll start with a formal introduction. My name is Zain Hamzah bin Hamzah, I'm 22 years old this year, and I'm still a student. I'm currently studying in Taylors PJ and will hopefully get my degree by 2007. My major is Journalism, mainly due to my passion for writing. I'm living the single life, or at least have been doing so for the past 2 months or so.
Honestly speaking, I'm not in a good state to do anything right now considering it's 5.30 or so in the morning. I'll start getting into more detail when I'm more awake, more conscious, and most importantly, more sane!


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